Rules & Procedures


Copying & Cheating

This applies to anyone who copies code or allows another student to copy their code.

Classroom Behavior

Follow these common sense rules.

Consequences For Breaking the Rules

I reserve the right to skip a step or two if the situation warrants it.

  1. Warning A verbal warning is given.
  2. Contact Parent Your parent/guardian will be contacted.
  3. Detention You will receive a one hour detention.
  4. Referral You will recieve an administrative referral and a parent conference is scheduled.

Consequences For Being Late to Class

This cycle starts over after a detention or a new quarter begins.

  1. Warning A verbal warning is given.
  2. Warning Another verbal warning is given.
  3. Detention You will receive a one hour detention.

If you are constantly late, your administrator will be contacted.


Beginning of Class

  1. Take your assigned seat
  2. Login to your computer
  3. Login to
  4. Look over the schedule for the day
  5. If there is a pending assignment to work on, start it immediately

End of Class

  1. Save your work (on the school computer)
  2. Turn in anything that needs to be turned in
  3. Logoff the computer
  4. Clean up your workstations
  5. Stay seated until dismissed, no standing by the door

Leaving the Room

  1. Not in the first/last 10 minutes of class
  2. Ask permission
  3. Sign out, write ...
    • your name
    • your destination/where you are going
    • the time you are leaving
  4. Take "hall pass" id card
  5. Also take a RED/YELLOW pass or a hand-written pass
  6. Leave the class
  7. Don't take too long
  8. Return to the class
  9. Hand me the "hall pass" id card
  10. Put the RED/YELLOW pass back where it belongs
  11. Sign in, write ...
    • the time you returned


Grading Categories

Grade Category Percent of Grade
Participation 10%
Homework/Practice 40%
Projects 25%
Exams/Quizzes 25%

Late Work

I will accept late work.

If you are absent from class, for every class you have missed, you will have two days, not counting the day you return to turn in your work for full credit.


Work Turned In Result
On time gold star and a pat on the back to you
Less than 1 week late 10% penalty
Less than 2 weeks late 20% penalty
Less than 3 weeks late 30% penalty
More than 3 weeks late not accepted, zero

If you constantly turn in late work, your parents and administrator will be contacted.