Photoshop - Crop to Size

Let's learn how to crop different sized and shaped photos to the same shape and size.

Follow These Steps

Step #1 - Crop Tool

  1. Open an image in Photoshop
  2. Choose the crop tool

Step #2 - Choose Aspect Ratio

  1. Choose an aspect ratio, for example 1:1 (Square) as the crop ratio

Step #3 - Position & Crop

  1. Click on the image
  2. Use the arrows (hold shift to move faster) on the keyboard to move your image up/down/left/right (if you need to)
  3. Drag the sides of the crop square up/down/left/right (if you need to)
  4. Once what is inside the crop square looks good, click the checkmark at the top of Photoshop to crop it

Step #4 - Export the Image

  1. File » Export » Save for the Web (Legacy) or Alt-Ctrl-Shift-S
    • Choose JPEG (or whatever type you need)
    • Set Image Size W to the px size
    • Click Save
    • Put it in the correct folder and save it the correct filename
    • Undo the crop, Ctrl-Z (to get the photo back to it's original state)